ALTE UMGEBUNG Buy Light Painting Workshops ❘ JanLeonardo Artist

Light Painting: Fortgeschrittenen vom 7.-9/10/2016 in HH


"The Original! Light Painting Workshops"

from the Lightpainting Artist JanLeonardo

Light Art Photography for Advanced 7.-9/10/2016 in HAMBURG
with the Light Painting, LAPP and Light Art Photography Artist JanLeonardo

Photographing means freely translated as painting with light, but what you learn in this practical workshop for advanced photographers, is much more than that!

JanLeonardo, quasi the inventor of the light art photography and LAPP share his tips and tricks. He conjures into his picture with his self-developed techniques and light effects like no other. He does not keep secrets for himself, but gives it to the subscribers. A unique opportunity to can be incorporated into the advanced techniques of light photography/ lightpainting and directly for more information from the inventor.

JanLeonardo is an author and known in the trade press. Moreover, his images are known from galleries.

For this advanced workshop is the basic workshop prerequisite, but not less than extensive knowledge in the long-term photography and basic knowledge of Light Painting.

After attending this workshop you are able to banish your own light art choreographs on the chip.

Need for the Workshop:


- DSLR camera
- If possible, wide-angle lens
- Camera spirit level (Dragonfly)
- Remote Trigger
- Stable 3-tripod (but there are also Manfrotto on loan basis)
- Tighten Please weatherproof clothing and sturdy shoes

That brings JanLeonardo:

- Abundant Walther Pro high-performance lamps
- Lend tripods from Manfrotto
- Defusoren surfaces
- Light sources and accessories of all kinds LAPP
- Fireworks, special equipment (1 complete car full LAPP stuff)

Workshop flow:

Am Freitag begrüßen wir Sie um 18:00 Uhr im Hamburger Schulungszentrum der FF-Fotoschule. Nach einer kurzen Vorstellungsrunde und ein paar einleitenden Worten geht es direkt in die praktische Umsetzung. Hierzu fahren Sie gemeinsam in den Hamburger Hafen. Die praktischen Umsetzungen der Lichtkunstfotografie sind in dieser ersten Nacht bis ca. 1 Uhr geplant, dauern erfahrungsgemäß aber deutlich länger.

On Friday we welcome you at 18:00 in the Hamburg training center of the FF Fotoschule. After a short introduction and a few introductory words, it goes directly into the practical conversion. To do this, go together in the Port of Hamburg. The practical implementation of the light art photography are planned in this first night until about 1am, but experience shows that take considerably longer.


- Briefing on the drunk-Boy Technology
- Introduction to the Flexible Light Control (FLC) technology
- Illuminating with pyrotechnics
- People einblitzen with Led Lenser M7RX and X21R.2
- The scaning technology
- Horrizontal frequency slices
- The Choreographic Photography
- Create of scenic photographs
- Designing with EL Wire
- Performance with electronic turning aids
- The perfect construction of UFOs
- Laser illuminations
- Different LAPP techniques
- some light Painting techniques

Against 18:00 we eat together a dinner. Against 19:30 the path leads us to the Hamburg area. The practical part will occupy us until the wee hours.
